~ThAnx 2 aLL bLoGgErS~


ermmm,,,,today,,i would like to wish
semoga pnjg umur, dimurahkn rezeki n cepat dpt jodoh,,
besides,,,3 days ago is abg din nye besday lak,,,
abg din mana???
then minggu lepas fiq,,
wow kire ramai r yg lahir pd bulan Januari ni kn???
mcm tu gk kat dak2 BCS sem 4,,,


at last ak dpt gak lirik lagu n lagu nobody ni,,,hehehehe
ak dpt dr kak trah lagunye,,thnx kak trah!!!

You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change. (Saranghae)

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

Why are you trying to, to make me leave ya
I know what you're thinking
Baby why aren't you listening
How can I just
Just love someone else and
Forget you completely
When I know you still love me

Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know it's not right so
Just stop and come back boy
How can this be
When we were meant to be

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

Why can't we just, just be like this
Cause it's you that I need and nothing else until the end
Who else can ever make me feel the way I
I feel when I'm with you, no one will ever do

Telling me you're not good enough
My life with you is just too tough
You know me enough so
You know what I need boy
Right next to you is where I need to be.

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody

I don't want no body, body
I don't want no body, body

Honey you know it's you that I want, it's you that I need
Why can't you see~

I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
How can I be with another, I don't want any other
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody (2x)

Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Nothing else matters other than you and me
So tell me why can't it be
Please let me live my life my way
Why do you push me away
I don't want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you.




waaaa,,,this week there're a lot of assignments...
also tests....huhuhu
don knw which want i should strt 1st,,,
when i read HCI,,then think abt SRE,,
when read SRE,,think abt HCI,,,
wht should i do ek??
ermmm,,,it's ok,,,
pe pon at least ak stdy gak kn,,
assignmnt HCI tnggl cikit je lg,,,
SRE??? ermm,,,when i wnt to strt ek,,
myb aftr test kot,,,
2 belum lg cmpur yg khidmat masy nye...
tu jela nk tulis pon,,,
saje je nk memenuhi post ni,,,
:-) :-p :-D


semalam,,ak, miera, kak nad, kak fieza, n kak trah,,,
g meronda kuala terengganu,,,
disebbkn hr tu kami xdk kelas,,
kami merancang untk meronda,,
so,,,perjlnn bermula pd pukul 9.30pg,,
kemudian kami ke rmh kak fieza,,
then dlm kul 10++pg,,kami bertolak ke muzium,,,
kat sn,,,kami berposing sakan r,,hehehe,,
pantang ad camera,,
ad saje yg nk di"posing"nye,,
after tht,,,dlm kul 1 lebih,,,
ktorg g kat TTI(Taman Tamadun Islam) lak,,,
solat zohor kat masjid crystal,,
then nek lak bot,,
mnyusuri sungai kat sn,,,
kali ni ad kak nisah n jimmy lak,,,
dieorg join ktorg skali,,,
saje je berjln,,,
hehehe,,,bajet sume pakat xdk assignment,,
kat sn mmg ktorg sume enjoy r,,,
mstila sbb nk hilngkn tension,,,
kite ni kalo asyk blaja je pon leh jd "gila" sat,,,
hehehehe,,,itu ak,,,x tau lak org len,,,
kmdn dlm sejam nek bot,,,
ktorg berpisah,,,
kak nisah n jimmy blik UDM,,,
ktorg yg len,,,g bus station beli tiket lak,,
smnbil tu lunch skali,,,
time tu dh kul 3.35ptg,,,
pas mkn g pasar payang lak,,
beli kain batik n g kamdar beli kain nk wat bj,,
ish3,,last skali,,,
arh tujuan utama kami adla,,,
ke mydin utk mmbeli-belah,,,
pe pon thnx to our "driver"....MIERA!!!,,
hehehe,,,sori r mir,,sbb ko kne drive,,
kami2 xtau nk bwk kete auto,,
pulang ke UDM mstila pas maghrib nk pas dinner,,
balik UDM dlm kul 9.30mlm...
perghhh,,,mmg puas r berjln hr ni,,
so ni adla serba sedikit kenang2an kami,,,


hr ni ak kepenatan,,,huhuhu,,,
mn taknye,,pepagi lagi dh g exercise,,,
g pntai tok jembal,,,
then balik2 je hujan renyai2,,,
nasib bek ad kak cha n her bf,,,
tolong hntr ktorg smpai depan hostel,,,
so xdk r basah pon,,,hehehehhe
then sebelah ptg lak dlm kul 3,,
dh ad bengkel membuat kek dan roti,,
perghhh,,,mmg penat r hari ni,,
tp enjoy r,,,
mlm ni ingt nk wat assignmnt cikit,,,
ye r,,ak br je wat sikit je,,,
huhuhu,,,lg bbrp minggu dh nk kne hntr dh,,
pe po ni ad r cikit2 gmbr g pntai pg td n gmbr
kami 7 org mmbuat kek n roti,,,
name kek n roti tu ialah,,Brownies Walnut Cake
n Sunflower Seed Bread,,

~Sunflower Seed Bread~

~Brownies Walnut Cake~


He is happiest, be he king or
peasant,who finds peace in his home.
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~

A house is not a home unless it
contains food and fire for the
mind as well as the body.
~Benjamin Franklin~

Home is the place where, when
you have to go there, they have to
take you in.
~Robert Frost~

Home is where one start from.
~T.S. Eliot~

Home is not where you live, but
where they understand you.
~Christian Morgenstern~

A house can have integrity,
just like person.
~Ayn Rand~

Where we love is home. Home that
our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.~


We were given two hands to hold,
Two legs to walk,
Two eyes to see,
Two ears to listen,
But why only one heart??
Because the other one was given to someone for us to find...


hahaha,,,don knw wht happen diz month n diz new year,,
all my "geng" cn become "crazy"
coz they need to answer the pelik
ques from me,,,hehehhe,,,
coz i pening r nk strt cmne wat assignmnt,,,
then awal2 ni dh nk ad bbrp quiz,,
so tny r bnd yg pelik2,,,
smpai x larat dh dieorg nk layan,,
sori ek korg,,
actually ak wat cmtu nk hilangkn serabut,,,
besa r kn,,
ak ni slalu je serabut,,,hehehe,,
pe pon anybody cn help me to settle down
all my assignment??
xpon tolong wat skali r,,,
juz joking,,,;-)


hr ni adala hr jadi ayahku yg tersayang
yg ke-48,,,
u r the best father in d world,,,
nobody can replace u dad,,,
i'm sorry coz i couldn't get best
result in last semester exam,,,
but i will try my best 4 diz semester,,,


today don knw r wht happen to me,,
i talk too much,,in the class,,
hahahha,,actually i talk much everyday,,
either in the class or everywhere,,,
and also so much ques i will ask to them,,
doesn't matter r all of them sometimes don care abt me,,
but today i learn somethng abt windows,,
why we need to use it n wht its function,,,
sorry to all my classmate,,,
i need to ask the ques cos i already ask to some of u,,
but nobody cn answer it,,
so i have to ask to lecturer,,
don angry ma,,,


semalam ad ceramah motivasi tuk dak2 FiT,,,
semalam gak ad perjumpaan ko-kurikulum tuk sem ni,,
start kul 8.00 tuk ceramah motivasi
n kul 8.30 tuk ko-ko,,,
tp ktorg kne g ko-ko dlu r,,,
ak masuk ko-ko khidmat masyarakat,,,
nmpknye sem ni kne r berkhidmat tuk msyrkt,,,
hahahhahaha,,,bajet je lbih,,
perjmpn ko-ko hbs kul 10++,,
then g breakfast kat dku,,
pas tu mstila kne msuk dgr ceramah lak,,,
ingtkn kne dgr ceramah yg mmbosankan,,
rupa2nye,,,ceramah tu best,,,
sape yg mmberi ceramah???
org yg beri ceramah tu adala
YM Raja Shamri Raja Husin,,,
ceramah yg diberikan insyaallah blh
memotivasikn diri kami termasuk ak r,,
semoga apa yg dismpaikn akn
mnjd kn diri seseorg itu lebih matang
n dpt memotivasikn diri sendiri,,amin,,


ermm,,,hr ni 3 januari merupakan
besday my aunt,,,ucu rina,,
right now she 27 same just like kak ema,,,
hehehehe,,sori kak ema,,
ucu adala adik ayah yg paling bongsu
n paling rapat dgn aku,,,
ye la kan dulu ak duk kmpung 2 thn,,,
time tu ucu pon skola lg,,,
so die nk citer pe2 kat aku r,,
gaduh pon dgn aku,,,hahaha,,
beza umur ak dgn die pon x jauh,,
otak pn 'gile2' gk,,,
tp ak jarang r msg dgn die sejak die dh khwin,,
ermmm,,,,pe pon i want to wish her
semoga pnjg umur n dimurhkn rezeki,,,


selamat tinggal 2009,,,
n selamat datang 2010,,,
happy new year everyone!!!!
semoga tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun2 sebelumnye,,
2009,,byk mninggalkn kenangan pahit manis
dlm hidup seseorg,,,
semoga ape yg berlaku mnjdkn kite lbh
berpengalaman dlm mmbuat sesuatu keputusan
dan lebih matang mnjalani
liku2 kehidupan,,,
wow,,,bersastera lak ak,,,
pe pon HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!